Sometimes being interviewed can lead you into stress, even if it is not the first interview in your life. Something can go wrong, not as you have planned... But! We'll show you how to prepare and set yourself up for success.

Start with homework

A great place to start when getting over your pre-interview jitters is learning a bit about the company you want to work or are interviewing for. This involves going on their website and learning who they are, what they do, when they started, etc. and even finding out about the key figures within the company and learning a bit about them too.

Besides, it is also important to dress up appropriately and conservatively for an interview. Even if you want to wear a stiletto heels or a trendy fuchsia t-shirt, just think about whether it will be appropriate and comfortable at the interview. It’s better not to let your new itchy shoes make you think not about the interview, but about how to quickly take them off.

Prepare answers to the questions in advance

It sometimes happens that after a conversation you scrutinize the situation and the questions that you were asked, and you think "Why did not I answer this way? I’d better have given another answer...”. Unfortunately, what's done cannot be undone.

To avoid such experience, you can prepare for a number of questions in advance, because most of them are standard. Here are some typical ones: "Tell us about yourself", "Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years?", "Describe your strong points and weaknesses". A little rehearsal helps to feel confident about your knowledge and skills. Prepare yourself, act systematically, be focused, do not fuss.

It is obvious that HR Manager has several case-study questions with a veiled implication. Question likes "Have you ever had a conflict with a boss? How was it resolved? How are you at dealing with conflict?" is dedicated to know if you are inclined to take responsibility or tendency to evade and shift responsibility. Tricky questions are plentiful, some are aimed at the logic of thinking, others are on behavioral aspects, etc.; the main thing is - always remember the golden rule: if you do not know what to answer, tell the truth! After all, an employee who interviews you, is interested in you! You already have been invited for an interview! Let the recruiter understand that you are the specialist that the company really needs.

You are judged by your appearance

Like it or not, you are being judged by how you look, how you dress, and how you carry yourself. Your manners, speech and behavior provide extensive insight. Make-up should be as neutral as possible. Try to look healthy and rested. Pay attention to details.  HR managers are people, as we are. Like everyone else they pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gestures and so on.

A manager can read you the moment you walk in the door; from the clothes you wear to the way you stand to the grip of your first hand-shake, presenting yourself as a confident, energetic professional is about as basic as career advice gets. But don’t be off-put by this commonplace advice. Be natural, do not avoid eye contact and smile.  Smiles are highly prized.

Are the thumbs up or not?

Candidates are expected to be nervous during an interview. Someone is about to scrutinize your appearance, mannerisms, what you say, and how you say it. You can forget what your name is, not to mention how to properly present your business and professional competencies, as well as personal qualities.

Evaluating the company and its environment can actually help you feel more confident - even if you don't really feel that way deep down. Look around, inspect the office, equipment, employees. Details is everything. A critical view on the company and potential colleagues will help to calm down. Remember that a company needs a good employee just like you need a good job.

Be proactive

At the interview, you actually have the opportunity to ask questions of your interest. Besides demonstrating your comprehension of the company’s challenges and emphasizing how you can help the company meet them, asking questions to the employer is a good way to influence the impression you make and show your interest in the job.

Do not squander an opportunity to shine by asking mundane questions the interviewer has heard before. Your goal is to make a statement in the form of a question. The statement is designed to highlight your qualifications, demonstrate your confidence, understand the employer’s challenges and advance your candidacy. For example, you can ask the recruiter to describe the important qualities for someone to excel in this position.

Hopefully, our tips will help you feel more comfortable and prove yourself in the best possible way! Remember, attention is paid to both professional qualities and the specific behavior of the candidate. All in your hands!

Besides, as an interviewer and possible employer, they do like to know that you are genuinely interested in working for them and aren’t just looking for ‘any old job’.

We are waiting for your CV and ... maybe we will really meet at the interview :)